

CEAP is a food shelf resource for local families in the Brooklyn Park area. Give to the Max Day was fast approaching and staff at CEAP wanted to create a fun, social experience to reach everyone they could on social media. The nonprofit set a goal of reaching $25,000 for the day.


Giannina Posner, a CEAP volunteer, reached out to CCX Media for video coverage of CEAP Chef, their miniature version of game show Supermarket Sweep. CEAP volunteers and staff would grab food and materials, all provided at the facility, and cook with what they had for a panel of judges. The judges would then review each prepared meal and crown a winner. Providing video coverage of CEAP Chef would allow CEAP to showcase the variety of food options they have available at their marketplace as well as introduce the volunteers and staff at CEAP in a fun and entertaining way.


Early morning of Give to the Max Day, the first video segment was uploaded to Facebook, introducing the contestants, judges and rules for the event. Throughout the day, more videos were added as donations started to increase. Once the final video was uploaded, the total amount donated was $44,053, 43% more than what the organization hoped to achieve.


  • 7 videos produced by CCX Media for CEAP’s Give to the Max Day initiative
  • 3,759 views and 63 shares on CEAP’s Facebook page
  • $44,053 raised; $19,053 over original goal of $25,000

“It was a really great experience for us. We got some amazing video content that we’ll use now and plan to continue sharing in the future. I would really recommend working with CCX Media, on all your video needs.”

Paige Myers
Communications and Events Manager, CEAP
